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Bushmead Primary School

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Evergreens Wrap Around Care

Evergreens Staff

We strive to provide the highest quality provision for children whilst in our care. For this reason we have developed our own before and after school provision for children at Bushmead. Evergreens Before and After school club is a blend of relaxation, fun and varied activities that make if a really popular part of our school. Children attend both because parents have work commitments and also  because they choose to attend for the activities. Forests is run in the school small hall with access to the club through the external door from the small hall. 


Before school club (7:30 – 8:45am)

We will offer children a selection of cereals and toast for any child that attends the club before 8:15. Charges are related to the time you drop your child off and we offer a 10% reduction for second and third children.

  • Drop off between 7:30 – 8:00am cost: £5.50 (includes toast and cereal)

  • Drop off between 8:00 – 8:45am cost: £3.50


After school club (3:15 – 6:00pm)

All children will be offered a drink and biscuit as they enter the club at 3:15 and have access to a range of fruit at any time. We will offer any child that is within the setting after 4:30 a range of sandwiches. Charges are related to the time you collect your child and we offer a 10% reduction for second and third children.

  • Collection between 3:15 and 4:15pm cost: £3.90

  • Collection between 4:15 and 5:15pm cost: £7.50 (incudes light tea)

  • Collection between 5:15 and 6:00pm cost: £10.50 (includes light tea)


For more information please contact us or refer to the Evergreens (Forests) policy on our policies page, click here.


Enquiries and Bookings

For all enquiries and bookings please use the following contact details


Evergreens 01480 375375 Option 4 (7:30am–8:45am & 3:15pm–6pm)

School Office - 01480 375375  Option 0(9:30am – 2:45pm)

