History at Bushmead Primary
At Bushmead, we teach a broad and balanced history curriculum which supports all the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum for England. Topics are taught across half-term or termly sequences of lessons to build on previous learning of historical concepts, knowledge and skills as well as introducing specific knowledge around relevant historical events.
Intent Statement
Our aim for the teaching of History is to provide an experience rich curriculum that will ensure every child will build a coherent understanding of the history of Britain and the wider world. Children will be taught to understand the process of change through time and the diversity of societies. This will support their ability to build a chronologically aware picture of change through time in Britain and the wider world. Children will build a historical grounding in abstract terms such as empire, civilisation, parliament and peasantry. This will support their understanding of how people’s lives have been shaped by historical events in Britain and around the world. Concepts taught will be reinforced by focusing on the key features of historic enquiry, so that pupils learn to use a variety of approaches to answer relevant historic questions through a broad and balanced curriculum. Teachers will plan and teach exciting lessons based around historical enquiry, encouraging independence and ownership of their own learning, confidently sifting through evidence, thinking critically, comparing arguments and using these skills to help them understand the process of change through time and the diversity of societies as well as why contrasting arguments of the past have been constructed. We aim for every child to leave Bushmead Primary School with a range of historical skills, knowledge and an interest in history which they can carry with them through their education and the rest of their lives.
What children will be taught
Early Years
There are 7 areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation stage, History is taught through Understanding the World across the year and explored through continuous provision.
Know some similarities and differences between things in the past and now, drawing on their experiences and what has been read in class.
Understand the past through settings, characters and events encountered in books read in class and storytelling.
Year 1
The History of Lego
The Gunpowder plot
Remembrance Day
Christmas through time.
The Great Fire of London
Florence Nightingale and Edith Cavell
Year 2
The Space Age and the Moon landing with a focus on Neil Armstrong comparing him to
The history of the Christmas tree.
Mary Anning as a historical figure.
Significant Olympians from our region.
Local history study of Jordan's Mill.
Year 3
The Stone Age to Iron Age -
The Mayan Civilisation -
Year 4
Roman - Spread of the Empire and the impact and legacy left in Britain following invasion and the fall of the Empire. Queen Boudicca and the failed rebellion by the Iceni.
Ancient Egypt - Culture and advances in civilisation, leadership and beliefs and rituals.
Year 5
Lives of significant American presidents. - Influence and change.
Ancient Greece - Culture and advances in civilisation and government.
Vikings - Invasion and empire, impact and legacy.
Year 6
WW2 - The build up to war and invasion. The Battle of Britain and it's legacy and cultural impact.
Anglo Saxon - Impact of invasion and societal and cultural changes.
History Policy
Planning and progression
We have a clear plan for how the history subject is taught across the school to ensure that knowledge is built upon incrementally term on term and year on year. Below you will find our whole school Long term plan along with a progression map showing how children's knowledge, skills and vocabulary are built upon