Equality Objectives Statement
March 2022 - Bushmead Primary School is committed to ensuring equality of provision throughout the school community. To achieve this, our equality objectives are as follows:
Equality objectives
Objective 1: Our leaders, staff and pupils create a positive environment in which bullying isn’t tolerated. If bullying, aggression, discrimination and derogatory language occur, they are dealt with quickly and effectively and aren’t allowed to spread.
We have chosen this objective because we want to ensure that:
- Staff to feel empowered and are proactive in their approach to EDI.
- There is a culture throughout the school community where the equality duty is embraced and everyone aims to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between all groups
To achieve this objective we plan to:
- Relationship education: evidence of supporting pupils to know and understand how to respect each other and adults.
- Behaviour logs: bullying logs.
- Case studies: evidence of bullying incidents and the impact of your intervention.
Objective 2: There’s demonstrable improvement in the behaviour and attendance of our pupils who have particular needs.
We have chosen this objective because approximately 26% of pupils at Bushmead Primary School have PP and there are existing attainment and progress gaps between PP pupils and their peers nationally, and we want to ensure that:
- The gap between PP children at Bushmead Primary School and their peers nationally for combined RWM is reduced.
To achieve this objective we plan to:
- Pupil Premium interventions, including effective use of Pupil Progress Meetings and targeted investment in staff CPD.
Objective 3: Rigorously eliminate any discrimination and promote the equality of opportunity for pupils with SEND.
We have chosen this objective because there are a number of pupils with complex SEND who require specialist support, against a backdrop increased demand on Local Authority support and diminishing school budgets, and we want to ensure that:
- SEND pupils achieve exceptionally well and make good progress from their starting points.
- SEND pupils access the support they require to promote inclusion and are able to engage in the curriculum fully without discrimination.
To achieve this objective we plan to ensure:
- The curriculum is designed and delivered in a way that is inclusive of SEND pupils and supports their needs.
- Support staff is being used effectively and the impact on SEND pupils’ learning is evidenced.
You can download our Accessibility policy and plan by accessing the policies section of our site using the link below.