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Bushmead Primary School

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Year 6 - Sycamore and Poplar

Weekly spellings can be found in children’s books that are taken home. Tests are on a Friday. 

Welcome to Year 6

Adults: Miss Edwards, Miss Ritchie, Mrs Reynolds and Miss Bryan.

Spellings are set and tested on a Friday.

We will check that spellings have been practised on a Friday, during registration.


Reading diaries need to be signed by an adult. These are checked every weekday. 

PE autumn term


Tuesday and Wednesday



This term’s learning


We’ll Meet Again

Friday 11th October


Year 6 had a great time at Stibbington this week where we travelled back to WW2 and learnt what it was like to be an evacuee. This included seeing the houses children were evacuated to as well as experiencing what school life was like. In maths, children have been learning about prime numbers, composite numbers and prime factors.


Have a great weekend ☺️

Please send any shoeboxes into school for a project we will be doing in the run-up to Christmas.


Thank you