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Bushmead Primary School

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Year 6 - Sycamore and Poplar

SATs and PGL Information Evening

Weekly spellings can be found in children’s books that are taken home. Tests are on a Friday. 

Welcome to Year 6

Adults: Miss Edwards, Mr Chapman, Mrs Reynolds and Miss Bryan.

Spellings are set and tested on a Friday.

We will check that spellings have been practised on a Friday, during registration.


Reading diaries need to be signed by an adult. These are checked every weekday. 

PE - Summer Term - June onwards


For both Poplar and Sycamore, outdoor PE and swimming is on a Wednesday. 



This term’s learning


Invaders and Settlers

This week, children started a new science topic, recapping systems of the body and focussing on the circulatory system. In history, they looked at the influence of Anglo Saxons on place names and the meanings of these. Mr Beavis made a welcome return for the first cricket lesson of the half term and then Joe Roebuck, Olympic athlete, told us all about his amazing swimming career. With the A team footballers playing a tournament on Thursday and Sports Day on Friday, it’s been a very sporty week here at Bushmead.