Year 5 - Beech and Elm
Welcome to Year 5
Elm Class
Mrs Row and Miss Meeks
Beech Class
Mrs McVeigh, Mrs Rodriguez, Mrs Shepherd
Reading: children are expected to read every week night and for this to be logged in their reading diaries with an adult signature.
Spellings: Will be put on the class page and added to spelling books every Friday and tested the following Friday. Spelling books will be checked every Friday to ensure practise has been completed.
Please ensure that your child’s reading journal is in school on a daily basis as this will be checked.
If your child has not had the opportunity to read with an adult at home, we will ensure this happens at school during play time.
Please send a water bottle in every day.
This term's learning : History - "We are great thinkers" - Ancient Greece
PE days
Elm and Beech
Outside - Thursday
Inside - Tuesday (starting 14th January)
PE kit should be worn on PE days.
PE kit - white t-shirt, navy or black shorts / joggers, trainers.
Weekly update 6.12
On Wednesday next week, the children will be continuing with a water safety session in their swimming lesson and will need a set of light clothing, pj's, shorts and t-shirt, leggings for example, to swim in. Please nothing too baggy or thick fabric, and nothing new or precious.
We really enjoyed Christmas decoration day on Monday and the children produced some lovely decorations and cards. The rest of the week was assessment week and the children really impressed us with their hard work and resilience.
In the last week of term we will be completing our DT project for the term and the children will need several milk bottle lids each so please send as many as you can in from now.