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Bushmead Primary School

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Year 4 - Chestnut and Maple

Welcome to Year 4


Chestnut Class

Mrs Yates 


Maple Class

Miss Ritchie 


Teaching Assistant

Mr Smith

Ms Hall



Reading: children are expected to read every week night and for this to be logged in their reading diaries. 

Spellings: Will be put on the class page every Friday and tested the following Friday.

Times tables tests will be every Friday - the children are aware of which times table they are focusing on.

Please ensure that your child’s reading journal is in school on a daily basis as this will be checked.

If your child has not had the opportunity to read with an adult at home, we will ensure this happens at school during play time.


This term's learning :The Romans


PE days


Chestnut & Maple

Tuesday and Thursday

During the summer term, most PE lessons will be outside so please come prepared for outdoor PE on both days.



PE kit should be worn on PE days.

PE kit - white t-shirt, navy or black shorts / joggers, trainers.




Weekly Update -  13th May


Year 4 have been busy writing their non-chronological reports about the Ancient Egyptians and we are looking forward to creating an informational poster to show all of our hard work. It has been lovely to be able to enjoy the sunshine especially during our PE lessons where we are looking at different athletics events. This week was different types of throwing. Do you know the throwing events that are part of the Olympic Games?

Residential Slide Show for those who missed it

Residential Kit List

Suggestions for different ways to learn spellings...