The school has a school uniform and all children in the school are expected to dress in a manner, which complies with these colours.
All items, can be purchased at supermarkets or any children's clothes shop, with the exception of the Bushmead Sweatshirt\ cardigans and polo shirts with our logo. Details on how to order the items with logo are below.
The school colour is dark green and the various options are as follows:
Bushmead Sweatshirt/ Cardigan or plain bottle green sweatshirt or cardigan
Black or Grey Trousers / Skirt / Pinafore Dress
White Polo-Shirt /Shirt /Blouse
(Y6 wear green Polo-Shirts)
Dark shoes (not trainers )
Grey or white socks
Second hand uniform
We regualarly offer the opportunity to purchase good quality second hand uniform.
PE Kit
Plain black, navy or bottle green jogging bottoms/shorts, plain black, navy or bottle green top, plain white t-shirt and trainers.
Ear-rings and PE
This is now the advice from government that we have to follow.
Ideally we ask where possible that children do not wear earrings to school, especially on the day they have P.E. to limit possible loss of them, however if earrings are worn, they should be a small stud that the child can take in and out themselves. They only need to be taken out for the P.E session, so for around 35 minutes.
Please see below an extract from the local government that advises on why we have to adhere to this.
Can pupils participate in PE if they wear Jewellery?
The National guidance has always been that no jewellery should be worn in PE and that includes swimming and physical activity. It is also not safe to cover ear-rings / studs / sleepers with tape. The reason is both because of the potential tearing of the ear lobe, but also the very slim chance that the post of the ear-ring could damage the neck which is where the brachial nerve is running directly to the brain. There are anecdotal cases of children wearing ear-rings / studs with plasters over being hit by a ball or coming off worse in a collision and having nasty injuries as a consequence.
Parents should be reminded that the school has the higher level duty of care and cannot be put in the situation of looking after their child without exercising that duty of care. It is dictated by national guidance and they need to comply. There have been awful cases involving jewellery in PE and physical activity and we are protecting against that happening.
Summer Uniform Alternatives
A summer dress with a green gingham or striped pattern
Polo shirt with grey shorts, skirt, pinafore dress.
Bushmead caps with loogo are also available
Winter Uniform Additions
Black, Grey or dark green tights
Long hair should always be tied back and we ask that ornate headbands slides and bows are not worn.
Uniform Ordering — Online
School uniform with logo can be ordered on-line or by calling Gilt Edged direct on 01604 671671. There is the option to have items delivered to school or direct to your own address. Orders delivered to school are delivered free of charge and can be collected from the school office, or are sent home with your child. Uniform sent to the home address will incur a delivery charge. If you are unsure of which sizes to order, samples are held in the school office and you are welcome to bring your child in to check sizing prior to ordering.
School uniform can be ordered on-line using the link below.