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Bushmead Primary School

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Year 3 - Larch and Willow



Larch Class: Class Teachers are Mrs Marriott and Teaching Assistant is Mrs Standage.

Willow Class: Class Teacher is Miss Thomas and Teaching Assistant is Mrs Howlett.



Reading books:

At Bushmead we believe that reading is one of the most important skills the children have to acquire. From the beginning, we encourage parents to become fully involved in helping their child to learn to read. The teaching of reading is focused around the Little Wandle phonics scheme and the associated levelled books. It is also supported by a wide range of other reading material both factual and fictional and we are fortunate to have a newly updated and well-stocked selection of books in the library that the children can visit regularly. Please ensure that you read with your child every week night and record this reading in their reading diary. These will be checked by a school adult every morning.


Homework Expectations In Year 3 


- Regular reading - 5 times a week 


- Spelling practise three times a week, for a weekly test (Friday)


- Times tables (for regular times tables tests at school)


Each child has their own login details for EdShed in their spellings book.


Each child has their own login details for TT rockstars in their timetables books or reading diaries.


(The times table test will include mixed questions from any of the times tables up to 12 x tables but focus particularly on 3, 4 and 8s)


Here are some timetables websites you can use at home...


KS1 Maths free game - Karate Cats - Primary school times tables, division, shapes, fractions - BBC Bitesize


KS2 free maths game - Primary mathematics skills - Times tables, multiplication, division, algebra, fractions and decimals - BBC Bitesize


Times Tables Rock Stars (


Photos from Flag Fen 29th November 2024


* Please label all uniform, coats, bags, lunchboxes and water bottles. 

Please ensure that your child is coming to school smartly dressed, in the correct Bushmead uniform. Details of this can be found on our parents tab. Thank you!


PE Days:


Both classes: Thursday and Friday


Please come to school dressed in your PE kits on these days. Just a reminder that PE kits should be PLAIN with no logos (Dark coloured shorts/joggers, plain white t-shirt, dark coloured zip up jacket/jumper)


**Earrings MUST be removed on PE days please! 





This Term's learning




Our Spring Term topic is

'Food Glorious Food'

Our Spring term topic is an exciting one where the children learn all about food! The children will learn all about different food groups and what different food does to your body, including what food is healthy and important for us to eat. They will also learn about how a variety of foods are grown and made, and what food grows in different countries. The children will discover what ingredients are used to create different foods and enjoy creating their own pizzas in DT.  In Spring term, the children also learn about the lifecycle of flowering plants and create pieces of Art from different flowers. 

There are lots of fun and practical, exciting lessons!




To link with our topic of 'Food Glorious Food' the children begin the term by writing a fact file about how an apple tree grows. They will use paragraphs and a variety of conjunctions and adverbs. Later in the term, the children will be reading 'The Secret Garden' and using powerful vocabulary to write a setting description of a Secret Garden. 

This term, the children will continue their learning about how to use direct speech in a narrative and how to punctuate this correctly. They will also continue practising using joined up handwriting. 

In Maths, in Spring Term, the children will continue to learn formal methods of multiplication and division. They will focus on becoming fluent in the 3, 4 and 8 times tables and learning the inverse. 

Later on in the term, they will learn about length and perimeter, mass and capacity and learning how to find a fraction of a shape. 

We encourage all children to use Times Tables Rock Stars to support with times table knowledge and becoming familiar with all of their times tables.






Useful documents