Languages at Bushmead Primary School
Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures. A high-quality languages education should foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. The teaching should enable pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing. It should also provide opportunities for them to communicate for practical purposes, learn new ways of thinking and read great literature in the original language. Language teaching should provide the foundation for learning further languages, equipping pupils to study and work in other countries.
At Bushmead, we teach skills in all four strands of language – listening, speaking, reading and writing. We also use a multi-sensory and kinaesthetic approach to teaching to reinforce memory. We aim to make lessons entertaining and enjoyable in order to develop a positive attitude to the learning of modern foreign languages. In addition, class teachers are expected to take opportunities throughout the teaching day to embed the language by using it at incidental times such as taking the register, as well as playing simple games.
Intent Statement
At Bushmead Primary School we recognise that learning a modern foreign language is a statutory entitlement for all pupils during their time in Key Stage 2 and we are committed to the principle that learning another language helps foster a curiosity and deeper understanding of other cultures and the world in general. We believe that learning to understand, speak, read and write another language during Key Stage 2 will provide important opportunities for future study and work in other countries. In our school we teach French. We aim for every child to leave Bushmead Primary school with a range of new vocabulary and an understanding and appreciation for the French language and culture.
What children will be taught
Although not statutory at this age, pupils at KS1 are introduced to French. Greetings, displays and games are used so that the children begin to familiarise themselves with the culture.
Year 3
Listen to and enjoy short stories, nursery rhymes and songs. Recognise familiar words and short phrases covered in the units taught.
Communicate with others using simple words and short phrases taught in the units.
Read familiar words and short phrases accurately by applying knowledge learnt. Understand the meaning in English of short words.
Write familiar words & short phrases using a model or vocabulary list.
Start to understand the concept of noun gender and the use of articles
Year 4
Learn to listen to longer passages and understand more of what they hear by picking out key words and phrases covered in current and previous units.
Communicate with others with improved confidence and accuracy. Learn to ask and answer questions based on the language covered in the units and incorporate a negative reply if and when required.
Understand most of what is read in the foreign language when it is based on familiar language.
Write some short phrases based on familiar topics and begin to use connectives/conjunctions and the negative form where appropriate.
Better understand the concept of gender and which articles to use for meaning.
Year 5
Listen more attentively and for longer. Understand more of what they hear even when some of the language may be unfamiliar by using the decoding skills they have developed.
Communicate on a wider range of topics and themes. Remember and recall a range of vocabulary with increased knowledge, confidence and spontaneity.
Understand longer passages in the foreign language and start to decode meaning of unknown words using cognates and context.
Write a paragraph using familiar language incorporating connectives/conjunctions, a negative response and adjectival agreement where required. Learn to manipulate the language and be able to substitute words for suitable alternatives.
Revision of gender and nouns and learn to use and recognise the terminology of articles
Year 6
Listen to longer text and more authentic foreign language material. Learn to pick out cognates and familiar words and learn to 'gist listen' even when hearing language that has not been taught or covered.
Learn to recall previously learnt language and recycle / incorporate it with new language with increased speed and spontaneity. Engage in short conversations on familiar topics, responding with opinions and justifications where appropriate.
Be able to tackle unknown language with increased accuracy by applying prior knowledge.
Write a piece of text using language from a variety of units covered and learn to adapt any models provided to show solid understanding of any grammar covered. Also start to incorporate conjugated verbs and learn to be comfortable using connectives/conjunctions, adjectives and possessive adjectives.
Consolidate their understanding of gender and nouns, use of the negative, adjectival agreement and possessive adjectives
School Policy DRAFT
Planning and Progression
Knowledge in languages is taught across Key Stage Two by building on skills from the previous term and the previous year groups. Below you will find a long term plan for the whole school and a progression map showing how the children's skills and knowledge are built upon.