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Bushmead Primary School

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FOB - Fundraising

Friends of Bushmead (FOB) is a fundraising committee run by a group of parents who are passionate about enhancing the experience our children have here at Bushmead. We raise money through fun events for our children and the local community. Typically, this includes a Christmas and Summer Fayre, Halloween and Easter Event and various other activities throughout the school year.


All profits raised go back into the school and directly towards enriching the experience of the children. We have in previous years contributed towards the costs of trips, activities, and teaching equipment that all support the learning of our young people.


The committee meets monthly, and we welcome all parents to join us and offer their support either as a committee member or through helping at events. For anyone interested in coming along please contact for further details.


A Warm Welcome from our Chair Rhiannon Tricklebank Owens…


When I joined FOB I never envisioned taking on the role of Chair, but it was so important to me that we get up and running, after being dormant for 2 years, that I took the plunge. We’ve only been running since September 2022 but with a great committee and group in place we have achieved so much already and helped enrich the school experience for all our children.


It’s so important to me that FOB is a friendly and inclusive group where everyone can feel welcome and valued as I know it can be daunting for new people. As Bushmead parents you are automatically members of Friends of Bushmead but how you choose to participate is up to you. We all have busy lives with varying amounts of time and energy to give. Obviously, we need volunteers to keep FOB going but we welcome all levels of engagement, whether that be coming to meetings, volunteering, donating a tombola prize or even just showing up to an event.


I hope that you will ‘like’ our Friends of Bushmead Facebook page to stay up to date with our upcoming meetings and events and consider coming along if you can. Friends Of Bushmead - FoB | Eaton Socon | Facebook






Fun activities supported by FoB