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Bushmead Primary School

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Year 1 - Alder and Holly

Thank you everyone for supporting ' Hello Yellow' World Mental Health Day!


The children had a fantastic day! We learnt about the importance of looking after our mental health as well as our physical health. Throughout the day the children made emotion paper plate faces, planted daffodils bulbs, took part in a glow band PE session and created a sunflower based on the famous artist Vincent Van Gogh.


We raised a brilliant total of £110 for the charity Young Minds. This charity helps children and young people to know that they are not alone with their feelings and can get help to feel better.


Well done Bushmead!smiley




Don't forget to scroll down and find out what our year 1 children are learning next week!

Welcome to year 1 meetingsmiley


Thank you to everybody who came to our ' Welcome to year 1 ' meeting, it was lovely to see so many parents.yes


If you were unable to attend and would like a copy of the presentation please see Miss Maw or Mrs Haynes.



Thank you to everyone who popped in to say 'hello' on Wednesday afternoon for meet the teacher, it was really lovely to see so many parents. I hope you enjoyed seeing your child's new classroom!smiley

Meet the teacher!smiley


On Wednesday 18th September at 2.45pm please come and say 'hello' and see your child's new Year 1 classroom.


This is a lovely opportunity for the children  to show off their classroom and for you to meet the Year 1 team. We hope you will join us if you can!yes





A very warm welcome to Year 1! The children in Holly and Alder have settled in beautifully and are already working hard. We are so proud of all the children- they are amazing!yes



Class Information



Holly Class

Teacher- Miss Maw

Teaching assistant- Mrs Whittle

Cover teacher - Ms Myers

Forest School - Mrs Whittle


Alder Class

Teacher- Mrs Haynes

Teaching assistant- Mrs Case

Forest school- Mrs Whittle


Today (Monday 9th September) the children have brought home their new reading folder. This has in it a VIPERS reading bookmark, a new reading diary, a Phonic reading book and a reading for pleasure book chosen from the school library.


Please note that this book is to be shared at home together and we are not expecting the children to be able to read this independently.


Please make sure reading folders come back into school each day with a signed signature that the children have read at home.smiley


Year 1 PE days


The children in Holly and Alder class will have PE on the following days:


Indoor PE- Wednesday

Outdoor PE- Thursday


Please send your child to school in the appropriate PE kit, any questions please see a member of the Year 1 team.


PLEASE, PLEASE label all your child's belongings that come into school.


We will always do our best to return all your child's belongings at the end of the day, but it does become difficult if belongings aren't labelled. All of the children's uniform looks similar and are often the same size. When we find clothing with names in, it makes it so much easier and quicker to return it back to the child.


Thank you for your support


This week in Year 1... week beginning 14.10.24



The children having started learning new Phase 5 GPC's. This week is assessment week.



This week we continue to learn about non-fiction writing. We will looking at amazing buildings in our world and reading and writing labels. The children will then have the chance to design their own dream building, label the important parts and write a matching caption.



This week in Maths the children will be continuing to learn about addition. The children will be exploring lots of fun and interactive ways to learn about number bonds within 10.


Our half term topic is 




During this topic the children will be learning  different skills linked to the foundation subjects.


Art- Paul Klee - artist who is brilliant at block printing


Science- Materials and their properties


Geography- Investigating the different houses in our local area


History- The story of Lego


RE- The Christian family


PSHE- Beginning and belonging


PE- Fundamental skills and gymnastics


Music- Keeping the pulse- my favourite things!


Design and Technology- Design and make a house that the big, bad wolf can't blow down!


Computing-Technology all around us


 General Remindersyes

All children need a named water bottle in school.


Children in Year 1 are offered fruit every day, if you would like your child to bring in a snack for playtime please can it be healthy- fruit, cereal bar, crackers etc. No sweets, chocolate or nuts.


Please also help us by naming all of your child's belongings to help us encourage your child to be independent. 


Finally, we would also like your child to have a pair of wellies to keep in school, particularly as it gets muddier outside! 


Year 1 will receive spellings linked to their Little Wandle Phonic teaching after the October half term holiday.

A typical day in Year 1








English and busy learning activities

Break and snack

Maths and busy learning activities


Guided reading 




Alongside busy learning activities.



In our busy learning actives we teach in a play-based style where children access a range of activities which support the Early Years and Year 1 curriculum.