Important Information
PE Days
Tuesday - Outdoor
Thursday - Indoor
Please send your child to school in the appropriate PE kit, any questions please see a member of the Year 1 team.
Forest School Days
Holly Class:
- Wednesday 8th Jan
- Wednesday 22nd Jan
- Wednesday 5th Feb
Alder Class:
- Wednesday 15th Jan
- Wednesday 29th Jan
- Wednesday 12th Feb
Labelling Clothes
PLEASE label all your child's belongings that come into school.
We will always do our best to return all your child's belongings at the end of the day, but it does become difficult if belongings aren't labelled. All of the children's uniform looks similar and are often the same size. When we find clothing with names in, it makes it so much easier and quicker to return it back to the child.
Water Bottles
All children need a named water bottle in school. They will be encouraged to drink this throughout the school day, including outside at break and lunch times.
Children in Year 1 are offered fruit every day, if you would like your child to bring in a snack for playtime please can it be healthy - fruit, cereal bar, crackers etc. No sweets, chocolate or nuts.
We love to see the children playing outside, no matter what the weather! Please bring a pair of wellies to keep in school which the children can use during break and lunch times.
Reading Folders
Please make sure reading folders come back into school each day with a signed signature that the children have read at home.
Children will receive weekly spellings to practice at home, linking to our Little Wandle Phonics lessons. You can find this on the 'Spellings' section of our class page.
Thank you for your support!