Frequently Asked Questions
Arriving late to school
All children need to be escorted into the school office to be signed in. They must not be left to walk in unattended.
Calling the school office
If you need to call the school please call us on 01480 375 375
If your call is not answered, we kindly as that you do not keep calling and instead please leave a message (Option 0) One of the office team will get back to you as soon as possible.
Children arriving late to school who require a school lunch
If your child has an appointment or for any other reason that means they will be arriving at school after 9am. Please e-mail or call the office that morning to advise what their lunch choice is before 9.15am If this is not done then a packed lunch will need to be provided.
Collection from school
If someone else needs to collect your child from school, please e-mail the school office with your child’s name, class and name of person collecting. The office team will pass this on to the class teacher. You can e-mail the school office to confirm who can pick your child up at any time to save yourself from having to do this repeatedly. Please note that the person collecting needs to be 16 years or older
After the October half term and up until the Easter break, all children, even those with walk home permission need to be collected rom after school clubs. Please consider if you can do this before signing them up.
Halal meals
If your child requires a Halal meal please e-mail the office team at least 48 hours before to request one.
Lost property
All items that have your child’s name and class clearly on them will be returned to them. Any unnamed items will be put out in both key stages, which children can access at a suitable time in the school day. If your child can’t find an item, please speak to one of your child class team.
Any items that remain unclaimed for a while will be put out at the front of the school on a regular basis for you to look through. Any items left after this will then be put in recycle bin.
Nut free school
We are a nut free school. Snacks should not include any nuts in the ingredients, this includes nut flavoured items such as hazelnut spread, and cereal bars flavoured with any type of nut.
Please also check the ingredients in any sun creams applied as some brands use nut products.
All of our permissions and payments are made via ParentPay, if you are having trouble accessing your account then please contact the school office. If you need to check if you have paid/given consent, you should go to view all items.
Reporting absence
Please either call the school and leave a message on the absence line (Option 1) or e-mail the school office. Please give your child’s name, class and reason for absence. If your child is absent because of an appointment a copy of the appointment letter/text needs to be e-mailed to the school office.
Returning to school after ill health
We use the guidance from the public health agency as a guide as to when a child can return to school.
The only exception to this is after vomiting/diarrhoea. Children can come back to school 24 hours after the last bout if they feel well enough to return.
School car park
A reminder that the school car park is for staff only, unless you have a blue badge and need to park in the disabled bay. Parents & guardians who need to drive to school need to park considerately in one of the local roads and walk on to the school premises.
Talking to your child class teacher
If you would like to have more than a brief discussion with your child’s teacher, please contact the office, who will arrange for the class teacher to call you.
Visitor lunches
If you would like to book to come in and have a school lunch with your child, please e-mail the school office, at least 24 hours before, to check availability. You will need to advise what your lunch choice is and add £3.50 for an adult meal and £2.40 for a child visitor, to your child’s ParentPay account under Pay for their meals.
Please note that on certain days, such as parents evening and Christmas lunch etc, we are unable to have any visitors in.